
To apply for 金融援助, you will need to fill out the 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA).

Triton学院将使用您完成的FAFSA来汇总您的联邦学生援助计划. 你是否有资格获得联邦助学金(不需要偿还)和联邦贷款(需要偿还)通常取决于你的经济需要, as determined by the information you supply on your FAFSA.




  • 你的社会安全号码
  • Your Alien Registration Number (if you are not a U.S. 公民)
  • Your federal income tax returns, W-2s, and other records of money earned.
  • Bank statements and records of investments (if applicable)
  • 未纳税收入记录(如适用)

注:如果你的年龄在24岁以下,你还需要为你的父母提供上述大部分信息. If you do not have access to your tax information, you can transfer your tax info using the 国税局 Data Retrieval tool.


FAFSA.政府 is the only website you should use to apply for 金融援助. Never use any website that asks you to pay to apply for aid.

第三步:创建你的FSA ID

保存你的身份证! Your FSA ID will give you access to FSA online systems and can serve as your legal signature. You will need the next time you apply for 金融援助.


NOTE: You will need to enter Triton's school code. 学校代码:001773.


学生 are encouraged to use the 国税局 Data Retrieval tool when completing the FAFSA. The retrieval tool will save you time and increase the accuracy of your FAFSA information. 如果你需要帮助完成FAFSA, 你应该把你的文件带到经济援助办公室,工作人员将指导你完成完成申请所需的所有步骤.


Don't forget to SUBMIT your FAFSA when you're done. Review the confirmation page and check for mistakes.


学生应该联系他们的高中(或他们获得GED的地方)并要求进行期末考试, official copy of their transcript sent to the 电子竞技竞彩平台 入学 and 记录 Office.


The results of the FAFSA are necessary to begin a financial aid file. Once the FAFSA has been reviewed, additional documentation may be requested. 如果没有高中/GED成绩单的正式副本,将不会发放经济援助.

在你提交FAFSA之后, you’ll get your Student 援助 Report (SAR) from the office of Federal Student 援助. 您的SAR是一份纸质或电子文件,它提供了您提交的FAFSA数据的基本信息, including your answers to the questions on your FAFSA. Your SAR won’t tell you how much financial aid you’ll get. If you provided an email address when you submitted your FAFSA, 您可以在电子提交后的几天内或邮寄后的两周内收到SAR.

在你收到SAR之后, Triton将通过您的Triton电子邮件帐户与您联系,并让您知道是否需要其他信息.  在您提交这些信息之后, 一旦你的文件100%完成, Triton will again contact you via your Triton email account. The email you receive will explain how you can view your award letter in your 学生门户.  This award letter will explain how much aid you’re eligible for.







Can I submit my financial aid application before Jan. 1?

I sent in my FAFSA over four weeks ago but haven't heard anything. 我该怎么办??

学期已经开始了. 现在申请经济资助是不是太晚了?

我父母不会帮我付学费. 我可否以“独立人士”的身份提交申请??

What is an EFC and how is it used to determine my eligibility?


我该怎么办? if changes occur after I file the FAFSA?